Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Why I'm not concerned


Proclamations of Armageddon have existed since the inception of the intelligence of man. One who knows a beginning foresees an end. But I'm not worried. Why? Let's say the world was to end tomorrow, it would be done, it would be over and all the worriers would no longer exist. Televangelist would go to their make believe heaven and sinners to their imaginary hell and the rest of the energy would be re-dispersed accordingly.

Too bitter? How about we concentrate on the history of man, of disaster and overcoming it, there is no great meteor in our immediate future; we only dwell on the possibility. If the end is coming it is inevitable, no science, no faith is averting some great flood, so ignore it or accept it if the horizon brings disaster it's already here.

Live each day like it is your last. What a crock. There's a reason why life has an order and assuming today without tomorrow would be the same as ignoring all the yesterdays, we learn, we adapt, we survive for the purposes set forth...no bother. Why the diatribe? I'll get to that later but the long and short of it is a day doesn't go by without some passer mentioning or holding a sign about the inevitable conclusion of our wasted lives...if they really believed that, that the end was so near, would they really waste their time advertising it? I'm all for cynicism but let's be real, if you're holding a sign in the dead of winter in NYC predicting the apocalypse, you are hoping for it, because it might just be an upgrade.

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